Well, Wager profits WAS a member here until this past quarter when Paul left and the new guys refuse to answer emails... and yes, we will be reporting on that.
I don't know what the deal is with this program now. But they are going to be booted from APCW "officially" on Friday.
Also, we never announce who or where or when we may or may not audit. We don't want to see programs on their best behavior. We want to see programs as they really are!
Just to not: I's by pure chance I saw your comment here. Reply on my page and I will get your message immediately! =0)
At 9:58am on February 23, 2008, Splinterfree said…
do you guys plan on doing an audit of wager profits any time soon? since they've migrated to income access style affiliate stats, i'm having 0 conversions on their casinos even though they offer no deposit bonuses.
tried to figure this one out with Paul, but he said that everything is OK on their end, even though the downloads are not being recorded.
in any case, i think their stats are dodgy and i'm sending them free traffic. i do think that the poker stats seem to be working fine though...
let me know what you think.
thanks in advance.
At 3:13pm on February 22, 2008, Splinterfree said…
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I don't know what the deal is with this program now. But they are going to be booted from APCW "officially" on Friday.
Also, we never announce who or where or when we may or may not audit. We don't want to see programs on their best behavior. We want to see programs as they really are!
Just to not: I's by pure chance I saw your comment here. Reply on my page and I will get your message immediately! =0)
do you guys plan on doing an audit of wager profits any time soon? since they've migrated to income access style affiliate stats, i'm having 0 conversions on their casinos even though they offer no deposit bonuses.
tried to figure this one out with Paul, but he said that everything is OK on their end, even though the downloads are not being recorded.
in any case, i think their stats are dodgy and i'm sending them free traffic. i do think that the poker stats seem to be working fine though...
let me know what you think.
thanks in advance.
Hey! Good to see you here!
Just wanted to say "howdy" and welcome any input you have on making this place the best it can be =0)