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love what you've done with the site
fulltilt paid me---so we can be friends again:)
Just visit the forum , Here , to get the info
Also , if you havent already heard , we hold a monthly Charity game for the Make a Wish Foundation , its on the 1st saturday every month , its only $4 to enter with half the buy in going to the kids .
This is played at Carbon
You can find it listed under Tournaments/ Private.
Its named "The 5th Street Charity Ball"
We usually get around 50 players in this every month but it would be great to see the numbers rise and raise ALOT more money for the kids
No matter where you finish at the end of the tournament you win because half of the money goes to the Make a Wish Foundation. Stop and think for even half a minute; how would you feel if that $2 from your entry that goes to the foundation is all that was needed to make it possible for a gravely ill child to do that one thing they wish to do before they die? Personally that thought almost takes my breath away!
So come on and get yourself registered and have some fun playing and the that really good feeling because you made a child's last wish come true!!
Looking good here.
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